Northern Virginia Modelers
By Modelers, For Modelers
IPMS Region 2 Chapter of the Year
1990, 1997 and 2013
IPMS/USA Mike Rastiello Chapter of the Year
1990 and 2013
IPMS Region 2 Newsletter of the Year
IPMS Region 2 Website of the Year
2015, 2017 & 2021
IPMS/USA Ralph Forehand Website of the Year
IPMS R2 Newsletter of the Year
Since 1984
Click here to Join IPMS-USA!
"Membership has its Privileges"


IPMS/Northern Virginia Modelers is a chartered chapter of the International Plastic Modelers Society/USA branch which was founded in 1984.
The Northern Virginia Chapter of IPMS/USA boasts an active membership of more than 300 members and a typical meeting is attended by 50-70 members. Our motto and goal is "Have FUN modeling."
Monthly meetings feature a short business meeting, a competition with various categories & scales, a guest speaker, slide presentation or techniques demonstration of interest to our modelers and a raffle.
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Becoming a Member
NoVa Modelers IPMS does not charge dues. To join our mailing list, receive information about upcoming meetings and our Monthly Newsletter simply download and complete this form and give it to any club officer at a meeting. We'll do the rest!
Northern Virginia Modelers - IPMS USA Membership Subsidy Program
In order to encourage IPMS/USA membership, IPMS Northern Virginia Modelers has a special subsidy program for chapter members. Here is how the subsidy program works:
There are two different procedures for the chapter members to take advantage of this program. Either procedure is acceptable.
First choice (preferred option) is to download and complete the from below and return the form and the appropriate payment to the Treasurer. He will send everything to IPMS/USA HQ for processing.
Second choice is to apply for (or Renew) an IPMS/USA membership directly with IPMS/USA, including paying the full fee. When the member receives the new IPMS membership card, bring to the Chapter Treasurer the membership card and a receipt showing how much was paid. The Treasurer will then reimburse the member the appropriate amount.
IPMS NoVA Membership Subsidy Payment Schedule
New adult memberships: Member pays $10 per year of membership, the chapter pays the remainder (currently $20 of the $30 per year total).
New Junior memberships: chapter pays entire amount.
Adult renewals: Member pays $10 per year of renewal, the chapter pays the remainder (currently $20 of the $30 per year total).
Junior renewals: chapter pays entire amount.
To take advantage of this special program download and complete the form below. Present it to our Treasurer at any monthly meeting along with your $10 per year payment. You may also mail the form and your check to the Treasurer. Full instructions are on the form.
Some Commonly Asked Questions
Where are the meetings held?
Meetings are normally held at Fairfax High School, 3501 Lion Run (Formerly Rebel Run), Fairfax, VA 22030. Dates of the meetings are at the discretion of Fairfax High School so be sure to keep an eye on the club we page and the latest Newsletter for the latest information. At any time during the year, if the school is closed due to inclement weather, our meetings are also canceled. Always check the Fairfax County Public Schools website to determine whether the schools have been closed during times of inclement weather. If the meeting is cancelled it will NOT be rescheduled that month and the next meeting will take place as scheduled the following month. Meetings begin at 8:00 p.m. and are concluded by 10:00 p.m. Contact any of our club officers for more information.
Directions and maps for the meeting location can be found HERE. Always check the Home page for updates.
What happens at a typical meeting?
Members begin arriving at 6:30pm, to socialize with other modelers, admire the models brought in for the contest or for display, buy raffle tickets, and to talk about tips and techniques. At 8:00 we start our meeting with a business discussion which lasts no more than 30 minutes. The club then takes a 15-20 minute break to allow members to vote for the models entered in the monthly contest. When the meeting is reconvened, the raffle results are announced, then a program or demonstration of some type is provided. It might be a slide show on a topic of interest to modelers, a guest speaker, or a techniques demo. Following the presentation, contest results are announced and the meeting concludes at 10:00PM
Do you have to be a member of IPMS/USA to join Northern Virginia Modelers?
Membership in IPMS/USA is not required to attend meetings, but is encouraged. We support membership in IPMS USA with a subsidy program. More on that later.
Are there dues to become a member of Northern Virginia Modelers?
No, there are no membership dues for our chapter.
Do you have competitions?
Each monthly meeting features a contest with categories in several scales for Juniors (17 and under), Civilian Vehicles, Aircraft, Military Vehicles, Figures, Space & Science Fiction (including Gundams), Miscellaneous, Master Modelers, and a Special contest category which changes each month.
January is our "Best of Year"contest to determine which models are the best of all those that either were built by club members during the previous year or models that won an award at a monthly contest the previous year.
December is our "Build the Same Subject" (BTSS) contest. Early in the year, the club procures a supply of kits of a specific subject(s) which are available for purchase by the membership. If the members completes the kit and enters it in the December contest, the club will reimburse the member.
If you alrady own the kit(s) in question you can still build it and enter it in the contest but you will NOT be reimbursed.
Is there an entry fee for the contest?
There is no entry fee for models entered in each month's contest.
Is there a limit to how many models can be entered in each month's contest?
No, there isn't a limit to the number of models that can be entered in the contest by any one person. However, club rules permit an individual to win only one award in each category during each monthly contest. All winning models entered in the contest are photographed for the club Website.
How is judging conducted?
Judging is done by popular ballot. You needn't be afraid that your latest masterpiece will get picked apart by a group of overly critical "know-it-all" judges. The atmosphere of our contest is very friendly, and there is a free exchange of hints and techniques.
What kind of awards are presented?
Award cards for 1st and 2nd place are awarded for each category, and additional certificates for Best Out of Box and Best of Show. The winning models appear in the club's monthly Newsletter and on this Website.
Do novice modelers compete with experienced modelers?
After a modeler is awarded five 1st place awards in any one category (1/72 aircraft for example), they are recognized as "Master Modelers" for just that category and must compete as a "Master Modeler" in that category in the future. They may compete in all regular categories in which they have not received five 1st place awards, such as "1/48 or larger armor". In future competitions if that individual wanted (in this example) to enter a 1/72 or smaller aircraft, they would be required to place the model in the Masters' Category.
Annual Holiday Party
The December meeting features our annual Holiday Party. Food and drink is provided by the club, and is open to all members and their families (or significant other). Feel free to bring a tasty dessert for us all to share.
Some general information about the International Plastic Modelers Society (IPMS) and IPMS/USA
IPMS was formed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s, and began shortly thereafter here in the U.S. The society is dedicated to the advancement and continuation of plastic modeling. It's motto "By Modelers, for Modelers", expresses it's true essence. Membership is open to both modelers and trade members. Adult membership in IPMS/USA costs $30 for one year, $58 for two years or $86 for three years. Dues for juniors (17 and under) are $17 per year. Family memberships add $5 to the appropriate adult option. IPMS/USA membership for residents of Canada and Mexico are $35 per year. IPMS/USA membership for individuals living in other foreign countries is $38 per year.
For more membership information, visit the IPMS/USA web site.
IPMS/USA is a Non-Profit Organization
Wants & Disposals
Reducing your stash and have kits to sell? You can bring them to a club meeting and set up a table.* An even better way is to list them on the club Google Group forum. The forum is also a great way to find that special hard to find kit or decal. One of your fellow members might just have it in their stash! Click on the icon below to get started. (Note: if you're not already a Group member you'll need to sign up to post.)
* Businesses are not permitted to conduct business at Fairfax High School at monthly club meetings. The only exception is at our Annual Model Classic Show)